Our Issue Campaigns
Our Issue Activism:
Where we stand on the issues and what you can do to help.
While local government is non-partisan the NDCC actively takes positions that align with core Democratic Party values.
Get Involved in Blueprint to ‘22
Guided by Town & Ward Captains, Grassroots Organizers will participate in relational organizing and community building projects, one for every quarter leading up to the 2022 statewide election. Each quarterly project will support community partners and the groundwork they’re doing on the issues that matter most. Monthly training sessions will supplement each project, helping Organizers build and expand their personal volunteer corps. Click here to learn more about Blueprint to ‘22.
Active campaigns:
"No" on outsourcing Newton Public School Custodians Association.
Update: Recently, the Newton School Committee voted in a new chair. We are hopeful newly-elected chair Ruth Goldman will take a different approach to negotiating with the union and work to protect good jobs with benefits in our city.
What YOU can do: write to the Newton School Committee at schoolcommittee@newton.k12.ma.us and let them know you oppose outsourcing.
Resolved campaigns:
"Yes" on changing the name of the local legislature from "Board of Aldermen" to "City Council". This campaign succeeded.
"Yes" on the Welcoming City Ordinance to protect immigrants and all Newton residents from the Republican President's attack on American values. The campaign succeeded.
"Yes" on updating the City of Newton Human Rights Ordinance to include protections for transgender individuals. This campaign succeeded.
State Party Platform
NDCC endorsements on issues that impact Massachusetts.
The Party Platform & Results
Delegates voted to accept the 2021 Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform with all 24 proposed amendments! Click here to view the results. The 2021 platform is a bold, progressive statement of values that contextualizes the challenges we face and meets the current moment with the urgency it deserves. Led by Co-chairs Sheriff Steve Tompkins, Jay Gonzalez, and Shannon Liss-Riordan, the Platform Committee solicited input from Massachusetts Democrats during seven official hearings and through hundreds of pieces of written testimony and crafted an ambitious document to guide us for the next four years. Read the final 2021 Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform here.
Watch convention again
Click here or the button below to watch the Convention again on YouTube.
Call Gov. Baker:
State Senator
Cindy Creem (1st Middlesex & Norfolk)
State Representative
Ruth Balser (12th Middlesex)
State Representative
Kay Khan (11th Middlesex)
State Representative
John Lawn (10th Middlesex)
Active campaigns:
"Yes" on the RaiseUp MA Campaign for $15 minimum wage, paid family medical leave for all and the Fair Share Amendment. Learn more at www.raiseupma.org.
"Yes" on The Safe Communities Act S.1305/H
Update: This bill has come up in the Senate and House before but has not moved forward. More grassroots support is needed.
What YOU Can Do: Newton state legislators support this bill. You can contact our Representatives and thank them for their support. You can also contact friends in other parts of Massachusetts to ask them to contact their legislators about this bill.
"Yes" on MA Senate Bill S.1747 "An Act Combating Climate Change."
Update: This bill has come up in the Senate and House before but has not moved forward. More grassroots support is needed.
What YOU Can Do: Newton state legislators support this bill. You can contact our Representatives and thank them for their support. You can also contact friends in other parts of Massachusetts to ask them to contact their legislators about this bill.
"No" on any 2018 ballot measure that would roll back civil rights protections for transgender people.
Update: Opponents of a recent statewide bill that protects transgender people from discrimination have secured enough signatures to put a measure to roll back the protections on the ballot in 20`18. We will work to actively oppose this ballot question.
What YOU can do: follow NDCC updates on this campaign and get involved once the 'no' campaign is organized.
"Yes" on MA Senate Bill S.365 "An Act restoring financial transparency in presidential elections (all)."
Update Would require all candidates to release their tax returns as a requirement to get on the Presidential ballot in Massachusetts.
"Yes" on S. 373 / H. 2091 - An Act automatically registering eligible voters and enhancing safeguards against fraud (Creem sponsor, all)
Update Would enfranchise large numbers of new voters by registering them when they interact with state agencies, while at the same time safeguarding against fraud, including by promptly updating voter lists when voters move away.
Resolved Campaigns:
"No" on 2016 MA Ballot Question 2 - charter school expansion. This campaign was successful..
"Yes" on 2016 MA Ballot Question 3 - animal welfare - this campaign was successful.
"Yes" on updating the City of Newton Human Rights Ordinance to include protections for transgender individuals. This campaign succeeded.
Read the Newton Dems Resistance Resolution here which calls for the following:
Investigation of Trump
Defend civil rights
Support Medicare/Medicaid for all and oppose repeal of the ACA
Right to peaceable protest
A $15 minimum wage
Modernize the Voting Rights Act and improve voting systems
Free college and debt relief
Paid medical and family leave
Campaign finance reform
The Newton Dems have endorsed a US Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United.