Markey Campaign Headquarters Event Invite

(Originally Posted by Amy Sangiolo: January 17, 2020)

Please join Senator Cynthia Creem, Representative Kay Khan, Representative Ruth Balser, Representative John Lawn, Newton City Council President Susan Albright on Sunday, January 26th, from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at Senator Markey’s new campaign headquarters, 275 Grove Street, in Newton, to meet with campaign staff and get the campaign update for our area. As we move into convention caucus and campaign mode, we know that we have a special role in re-electing Ed Markey to the United States Senate, particularly in these tense times when his experience and judgment are so important. Ed is there for us; we need to be there for him! We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, January 26th.


Khazei for Congress Campaign Headquarters Opening


Meet 4th Congressional Candidate, Ihssane Lecky, Sunday, January 26th, 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., Home of Barbara Brousal-Glaser and Lorenz Glaser, 20 Auburndale Avenue, Auburndale